Welfab slotted Angles and Allied components are manufactured from cold Rolled Steel with a stove enamelled Paint finish. This adds on to its strength, beauty and durability.
A precision engineered slot pattern permits even un-skilled labour to build any desired structure. This flexibility permits any modification on the job itself and loss of material is eliminated.
Welfab slotted angles is durable and completely reusable. As all joints are bolted during construction, this permits easy dismantling and re-construction without waste of material.
As compared to other types of material Welfab slotted Angles can be assembled faster. No skilled labour is required to cut and assembled the pre-measured angles.
Welfab products are made from steel confirming to IS : 1097 or IS : 513 and painted in stove enameled dark grey paint over a rust protective undercoat.
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